Your Appraisal Credentials are Worthless...

Saturday, September 18, 2010 Posted by Brian Kathenes

Yea, it’s me, Brian Kathenes. Who else did you expect with a headline line that?

I really do believe that your appraisal credentials are worthless, UNLESS you know how to sell your appraisal services & yourself.

That’s why Leon and I are hosting a free tele-seminar called: Selling Your Professional Services. It is absolutely free -- and it's for you, our fellow appraisers.

Your ability to sell your appraisal services far outweighs your credentials. Want proof?

Take a look at all the Bozos who are getting appraisal jobs in your town without any of the credentials that you hold.

It is frustrating. It's aggravating, and it's just not right.

It's time to take control and even the score.

Every day I get calls from fellow appraisers wondering why they keep losing jobs to those less qualified ”appraisers.” I also get calls from our associates asking how to write-up the invoice for a five-figure appraisal job.

The difference is the appraiser’s ability to sell – a rare skill indeed.

Anyone who can Sell AND has Credentials is UNSTOPPABLE.

To be included in this exclusive tele-seminar you must register now, because we only have a limited number of telephone lines available.

Go to the ServiceMarketingGuru site to learn more.

Don’t wait another second. Get on board now. I know this will fill up, so claim your spot now.

No whining to me when you get shut out because you did not act quickly.

Claim your free seat at ServiceMarketingGuru dot com
You snooze - you lose.

Brian Kathenes
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