The Appraisers Secret Weapon

Thursday, May 20, 2010 Posted by Jerry Sampson

Journal of Advanced Appraisal Studies
Todd W. Sigety Editor

I look forward each year to the professional publication. This year was extra special for myself personally and professionally. This 2010 edition contained the my first publication in a professional journal. This book if you are familiar with previous editions will not disappoint. I just finished it last night and was impressed with the various topics. I found several to be very useful and quite informative. A few of the topics that were covered are For Love or Money: Antiques as Investments, Appraisers v/s Authenticators, Personal Property Appraising, The Element of Time and Price Anomalies and Establishing the Appraisers Library ( which was my own work.) A few that really shed light on subjects that I don't normally study on were Reading a Two-Dimensional Artwork: Suggestions for the Generalist Appraiser and Folk Art for Appraisers both of these were just stellar and will be helpful in my career in the future. In fact anyone in the looking for the more serious aspects of this business will find all of these articles useful, meaningful and relevant to the current markets. This is a highly recommend work for the professional appraiser.

Remember Knowledge is Power, So Arm Yourself
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