Quality Condition Adjusted Mean Methodology: A Comparative Valuation Tool for the Appraiser
This paper explores the process of using a quality/condition adjusted mean methodology (Q-CAMM) to determine value of a subject property. A quality/condition adjusted mean regulates comparable values based upon condition level and quality points, and arrives at a final value conclusion relative to the subject property’s intrinsic features and state of preservation. Q-CAMM continues to rely upon the personal opinion and experience of the appraiser while introducing additional mathematical components to basic statistical averaging. Click the image to read the article by Todd W. Sigety, ISA CAPP.


Reconceiving Connoisseurship, by Carol Strone
Connoisseurship is a dead language and a dead art. Or so art theorists with disdain for aesthetic judgments would have us believe for some 40 years now. Indeed, connoisseurship has long languished — unfashionable and unpracticed — in academic circles and beyond. But still it matters for many people, and there are signs of a renaissance, even in the most unlikely realms of the art world. The time is ripe for reconceiving connoisseurship as relevant to furthering culture and seeing with maximum powers of observation that which humankind creates. Click the image to read the article by Carol Strone of Carol Strone Art Advisory, NY.

New Issue of eNewsletter for Personal Property Appraisers Contains Hard-to-Find Information

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 Reporter: Dave Maloney 0 Comments
Another issue of the "ACA Appraisers Update" eNewsletter is now available online. Published by Appraisal Course Associates partners certified appraiser, author and instructor Dave Maloney and AQB-certified National USPAP course instructor Bill Novotny, this issue is loaded with hard-to-find information including Bill's ground-breaking article regarding competency issues faced by the generalist appraiser.

The current edition includes the following articles:

- Generalist Appraisers Face Competency Issues
- Can Museum Appraiser/Volunteers do Appraisals?
- Internet Resources Are Ephemeral
- IRS Guidance: Donation Appraisals for Artwork Exceeding $20K FMV
- Citations and Declarations for the Donation Appraisal
- Maloney's Antiques & Collectibles Resource Directory To be Published Soon

If you did not receive your own copy by email, you can still read it by going to the eNewsletter archive at http://www.appraisalcourseassociates.com/archive/. While there, be sure to sign up to automatically receive future editions of the "ACA Appraiser Update" eNewsletter.

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