Quality Condition Adjusted Mean Methodology: A Comparative Valuation Tool for the Appraiser
This paper explores the process of using a quality/condition adjusted mean methodology (Q-CAMM) to determine value of a subject property. A quality/condition adjusted mean regulates comparable values based upon condition level and quality points, and arrives at a final value conclusion relative to the subject property’s intrinsic features and state of preservation. Q-CAMM continues to rely upon the personal opinion and experience of the appraiser while introducing additional mathematical components to basic statistical averaging. Click the image to read the article by Todd W. Sigety, ISA CAPP.


Reconceiving Connoisseurship, by Carol Strone
Connoisseurship is a dead language and a dead art. Or so art theorists with disdain for aesthetic judgments would have us believe for some 40 years now. Indeed, connoisseurship has long languished — unfashionable and unpracticed — in academic circles and beyond. But still it matters for many people, and there are signs of a renaissance, even in the most unlikely realms of the art world. The time is ripe for reconceiving connoisseurship as relevant to furthering culture and seeing with maximum powers of observation that which humankind creates. Click the image to read the article by Carol Strone of Carol Strone Art Advisory, NY.

Modern Chinese Furniture Website

Thursday, December 17, 2009 Reporter: Todd W. Sigety, ISA CAPP 1 Comment
By Daphne Lange Rosenzweig, Ph.D, ISA CAPP 

There have been several very interesting blogsite articles on European/American furniture styles. In a future note, I will discuss a variety of websites useful for appraisals of Chinese furniture but I wanted to note here very briefly a website sales venue that has several sections which could be invaluable aids for “comps” when appraising modern Chinese furniture. The current information posted (announcing a 50% off sale period) on this site may disappear at any time, so printing it out as a resource is recommended.

You can get to it via several routes: http://www.easterncurio.com, or http://www.chineart.com or http://www.antiquesbeijing.com. The main website is the Eastern Curio one and there are “sub-sites” posted there. All are from factories located on mainland China.

In the D1 series section (Antiques Beijing), there are many modern reproduction furniture forms of the “home decoration” type we so often encounter – the armoires, the bedside chests, etc.; the D2 Series has oriental hardware (the brass fittings for wood and lacquer furniture). The D3 Series has mother-of-pearl screens and other furniture, and then D7 illustrates other types of inlaid screens and the large gilded screens and wall art of the type we all see in appraisals. The sites give dimensions and selling price, and generic descriptions of materials. Caution should be taken with the descriptions of the materials, since the Chinese definitions and the definitions accepted in the West often differ.

Daphne Lange Rosenzweig, Ph.D, ISA CAPP

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Membership Offer from Palm Beach Appraisers Association

Saturday, December 12, 2009 Reporter: Todd W. Sigety, ISA CAPP 0 Comments

The following is an offer of 6 month free membership with our friends at PBAA. The free membership and listing offer expires on December 31, 2009, so make sure you get your application completed and submitted.

Palm Beach Appraisers Association is much more than an appraiser referral site. PBAA strives to bring the quality and prestige of Palm Beach to independent appraisers, consultants, estate liquidators, auctioneers, and dealers worldwide.

The mission of PBAA is to connect private collectors, appraisers, and dealers to parties that will best suit their needs. We understand that convenience, along with high standards, is of great importance. PBAA has members throughout the world, specializing in fine antiques, jewelry, currency, fine automotive industries, luxury estates, luxury accommodations and more.

Follow the links at the end of the PBAA press release.

The PBAA states.
Palm Beach Appraisers Association announcement to all that fit the categories. Quality Auctions, Automotive Industries, Galleries, Jewelers, Dealer Appraisers, Independent Appraisers, Luxury Accommodations, Restoration Experts, Direct link to you, holiday gift, from PBAA "FREE NO COST LISTING" worldwide language translation 6 months, fill in our join page and submit. Quality website necessary and must qualify and be approved. Expires 12/31/09
under no contract to renew.

PBAA provides a service with links to many fine companies around the world, partner pages, supporters, affiliates, members, the companies PBAA will list must be known in the industries providing the consumers as well as the trade.

Palm Beach Appraisers Association must provide website links that will have high standards in providing the services offered.
As you can see on their home page sponsor links as well as affiliates also hold the PBAA link as well as some of the members. knowing all posted can be trusted and will handle clients with the highest degree of care, this is all they ask from their members.

The extensive background of PBAA members offer myriad opportunities for the public to receive precise and accurate appraisals of their most valuable possessions. PBAA members will work with you with the highest level of confidence and capabilities.

PBAA offers you committed professionals in the industry with superior knowledge of high-end property claims. They have full-time specialists, staff experts and a comprehensive network of consultants with extensive credentials and years of experience in fine arts, antiques, coins/currency, jewelry and precious stones, collectibles, interior decoration, oriental rugs, couture clothing, wine collections, fine automobiles and high end real estate.

The extensive background of PBAA members offer myriad opportunities for the public to receive precise and accurate appraisals of their most valuable possessions. PBAA members will work with you with the highest level of confidence and capabilities.

PBAA is proud to provide stature in the appraisal community. PBAA contributes significantly to the growth of our sponsors and quality members by directing consumers to members with exact specifications. Consumers also have the confidence of working with a Palm Beach Appraisers Association certified member. The potential for Palm Beach Appraisers Association is outstanding.

Chris Hayes Pbaa CEO says, they are honored to have such a fine group of friends with us at Palm Beach Appraisers Association, our entire staff would like to thank you for all of your support and the thousands of hits to our website each day, please have the greatest enjoyment ever in this holiday season. Galleries, auctions, appraisers join us now, post PBAA in your favorites for future information. New sister website coming soon posted on our affiliate page..
Palm Beach Appraisers Association
Click HERE for free 6 month membership

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New Issue of eNewsletter for Personal Property Appraisers Contains Hard-hitting USPAP Articles and More

Friday, December 04, 2009 Reporter: Dave Maloney 0 Comments

The free "ACA Appraiser's Update" e-newsletter is published by Appraisal Course Associates partners certified appraiser, author and instructor Dave Maloney and AQB-certified National USPAP course instructor Bill Novotny.

The current December, 2009 edition contains:

  • IRS Definitions of "Qualified Appraiser" and "Qualified Appraisal" Continue to Evolve
  • USPAP Changes for 2010-2011
  • Report Credibility Requires USPAP Compliance
  • All-new 3rd Edition of Unique How-to Book for the Personal Property Appraiser
  • USPAP Q & A - Due Process of Law
  • Form 8283 Source of Identity Theft?

If you did not receive a copy, you are welcome to check it out at http://bit.ly/ACA10.

While there, be sure to sign up for future ACA Appraiser Update e-newsletters.

Hot off the newswire: (Dec. 4, 2009) The House voted yesterday to permanently extend a 45 percent inheritance tax on estates larger than $3.5 million, canceling a one-year repeal of the tax set to begin next month.

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Go Green, Save $$$$, and Provide Great Service

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 Reporter: Collectorpro Software 2 Comments
It is possible to be more environmentally responsible, save money, and provide a high level of service to your clients by providing secure online access for your clients to the appraisal reports.

Meet Gene Ruelle, an accredited senior appraiser in the ASA with his specialty in antique furniture. Gene is from Tyler Texas with over 15 years experience appraising personal property. Gene has created a secure online web site where his valued clients can securely access their appraisal reports for up to five years. The result is saving of money by eliminating the paper, postage, ink and toner from the report creation and delivery process.

How does this work?
Gene now saves every report as a PDF file. This PDF file is a complete report including the cover documentation, electronic signature, and all disclaimers and USPAP information. Once created, Gene uploads the appraisal report files to his secure online document storage system. Clients are then notified via email that the report is available and are sent a link and their login information to access the report online.

Clients click the link and enter their login information to access the secure site. Once logged-in, the client is presented with a list of their appraisal reports, and other documents created specifically for them. The client can then click on a link and display, download, or print the appraisal reports.

• Save money on toner, ink, paper, and postage
• The report is available for the client 24 x 7 x 365 with no intervention from the appraiser
• Report is stored on a secure website not a PC making the USPAP record keeping requirements much easier to adhere to
• Report is delivered to the client much faster than postal or courier
• Clients come to the branded site to access the report and they see your name and branding each time

Feedback from selected attorney clients is fantastic. They love the instant access to the information and ability to access the reports from anywhere with an internet connection.

See a Sample of how this Works
Here you can see a sample report and what the client experiences when using this unique service. Feel free to log in and check it out.
(Note: the reports on this site are sample reports only)

Visit http://secure.ruelle.com
Login – appraiser
Password – doyourbest

Please comment and let me know what you think about this method of report delivery. Is this something you think is valuable, or not to your appraising practice?

Resources in this Blog
Gene Reulle

About the Author
Brian Hiatt

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ISA Conference Sponsorship Guide

Tuesday, December 01, 2009 Reporter: Todd W. Sigety, ISA CAPP 2 Comments

The International Society of Appraisers would like to invite you to participate as a sponsor of our annual conference, Assets 2010, taking place April 30 – May 3, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario.

A variety of sponsorship options are available, from advertising in the final program, to sponsorship packages inclusive of multiple benefits and advertising opportunities. For full details on sponsorship packages available to you, download our Sponsorship Guide.

ISA is a not-for-profit organization whose members are some of the most respected independent appraisers, consultants, estate liquidators, auctioneers, gallery owners, and dealers in the United States and Canada. Join ISA in Toronto this spring to reach your audience.

For more information regarding sponsorship and advertising, please contact ISA Headquarters.

phone: 312.981.6778
email: isa@isa-appraisers.org

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